Basic object placement

Quickly got object placement from inventories working this afternoon.

These objects aren't recognised by the inventory UI yet which is why they show as an 'X' but they are placeable in the world and persist correctly with saves (in this case, a chest)

Purchasing the item

Placing it in the world

This needs a lot of polish - they currently appear at the player's origin and there is no grid alignment (or grid display). There's also no way to destroy these objects yet.

But it's another small step towards full playability.

The next interaction I need to make functional is 'placing' carriages on the train- so you can save for a wagon type, purchase it and then attach it to a locomotive.

Bonus: Since the last post, trains do now fully save their state to save games, and I managed to remove basically all state from them (so they no longer need 'previous spline' to perform junction animations). There are some bugs here I need to revisit before I show them off on here though - I also want to get backward travel fully working before that too.

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